
$SmartBTC Liquidity

SmartBTC Liquidity Generation Event

SmartBTC presale was tokenless, it's a technology developed by SmartDeFi. This innovative approach offers numerous benefits that address common challenges in traditional presale models.

  • Vested LP Interests: Presale participants receive vested LP shares, which promotes a stable token ecosystem and provides security for all token holders. This vested interest ensures that participants are aligned with the long-term success of the project.

  • Eliminate Presale Selling and Dumps: With no tokens to sell for profits, participants claim their earnings from the unlocked vested LP. This prevents the usual market dumps seen in token-based presales, thereby supporting the project's value and stability.

  • Developer Rewards Reimagined: Developers receive a share of the vested LP, aligning their interests with the project's long-term success. This model discourages developers from selling tokens, fostering a more sustainable and secure development environment.

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